First things first, I’m a Playstation gamer and I own a PS5. But I gotta say, Microsoft is completely right with the Series S.
Microsoft developed a way cheaper and more accessible system for the majority of the world, and it’s not just 200 dollars.
This is coming from someone who lives in Brazil. Here, the price difference is not U$D 200. And even if it was, Brazil’s monthly minimum wage is 254 dollars, or 1.300 reais (Brazil’s currency).
To give you some perspective, these are the new generation consoles prices in Brazil right now (March 30, 2023):
- Series S: 411 dollars (1.6 months of BR minimum wage)
- Series X: 980 dollars (3.8 months of BR minimum wage)
- PS5 Digital: 823 dollars (3.2 months of BR minimum wage)
- PS5: 882 dollars (3.4 months of BR minimum wage)
The Series S is half the price of the second cheapest console (PS5 digital). Not to mention the Series X is the most expensive one, which would be awful for Xbox fans if the Series S didn’t exist.
If Microsoft didn’t have the Series S, gamers from poorer countries would either buy a Playstation, or not buy a console at all. This is why I say Microsoft is completely right. The difference between the 2 Xbox is basically storage and resolution. Resolution is a non-issue in Brazil, since not everyone has a 4K monitor. Some people don’t even have a 1440p monitor. Some only have 1080p, sometimes less.
About the storage, yeah, it’s a problem, especially with Game Pass. But do you know how much it costs to get a 1TB external hard drive here? U$D 100. Yes, very expensive for U.S. residents, but way cheaper than any other option here, just check the table above.
Is the Series S the best console? Of course not. But is it the best option for most people in the world? Absolutely, yes.
The Series S is a great step in the right direction for the international gaming community. The world isn’t just the USA, Canada, and Europe. I keep reading comments saying “just spend the extra 200 dollars”. It’s never that simple.
What do you think?